A Government of Totalitarianism
The Republic Is In Danger From Political and Judicial Insurrection
Totalitarianism- noun; A system of government in which the people have virtually no authority and the state wields absolute control, for example, a dictatorship. A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.).
The principle of complete and unrestricted power in government.
In the last three years our Elected has initiated an insurrection against the people of the United States who is the Government established by The Constitution. The founders never intended for the elected to rule over the people and the current administration on the federal and state level has engineered a complete takeover of the people through unconstitutional laws, rules, and mandates.
In the last two years alone we have witnessed an absolute unconstitutional attack of former President Donald Trump by the prosecutors and judges who are sold out to George Soros and the Biden Regime in blatant acts of election interference by fabricating offenses to keep him from campaigning, with the ultimate goal of falsely convicting him of any offense that will disqualify him from the 2024 ballot.
New York City District Attorney Letitia James, in collusion with Justice Arthur Engoron, brought a civil lawsuit against Trump for alleged fraudulent business practices which have been proven false by the testimony of world recognized financial experts who confirmed that there was no fraudulent financial reporting by Trump or the Trump organization. Prosecutor James posted a comment on her social media pages that Judge Engoron had already judged Trump as guilty before the trial began. indicating the entire process was unconstitutional and illegally initiated because the Prosecutor and the judge were compromised by personal bias.
It has also come to light that both DA James and Judge Engoron were large donors to the Biden campaign and have received money from Trump hating George Soros, as well as information that both have exchanged texts and emails with Biden White House senior staff in what can only be characterized as purposeful election interference in an attempt to keep Trump from being reelected.
Special Prosecutor Jack Smith is overseeing two cases against Trump. The first is the documents case that initiated the unconstitutional raid on Trump's Mar-a-Lago home in Florida, and the Case of alleged election interference. The question has recently been presented as to whether Jack Smith was constitutionally appointed or was he simply given the reins by the Biden White House without the approval of Congress. It would not be the first time that the Biden administration evaded constitutional standards to further an agenda. If Jack Smith was not appointed by Congress the charges against Trump are not prosecutable and will be dropped after Supreme Court examination.
With multiple state's Attorneys General attempting to keep Trump off of their state's ballot, it has become clear that they also don't see Jack Smith's cases, or any of the other current cases against Trump being effective in keeping him from being elected. In their paranoia they have decided to throw a hail Mary with an attempt to keep his name off the ballot. They are using the 14th Amendment, Section 3, as grounds to deny him a place on the state ballot using the “insurrection” clause as a case foundation. What is most surprising about this tactic is that the amendment does not apply to the President and even if it should, the only way the amendment is applicable is after a formal trial verdict of guilty. Colorado Supreme Court tried to claim they had a “trial” and after studying all the “evidence” they came to the conclusion the Trump was guilty of insurrection. Of course, anyone with any legal acuity knows that a trial must be preceded by an indictment, charges filed, judicial arraignment, trial date set, trial with Prosecutor, Defendant, Defense Attorneys, and jury. Evidence must be presented and witnesses questioned. Upon completion of these things, a formal jury judgement of guilty must be rendered before the 14th Amendment, Section 3, applies to the situation. By the Colorado Supreme Court finding Trump guilty of insurrection without the preceding events taking place, they have effectively violated Trump's civil rights, namely his 5th Amendment protection of “Due Process.” When brought before the United States Supreme Court, the decision will not stand under constitutional scrutiny. Since the Colorado totalitarian decision, many other Democrat run states are in a fever to do the same thing before the SCOTUS can bring a ruling, probably in the hope it will not be heard before their primaries in 2024.
The actions of the Colorado Supreme Court, as well as the proposed actions by the other Democrat run states to take the same action, shows very clearly that those states have no regard to the rights of their Republican citizens by denying them their right to vote for the candidate of their choice, placing political agendas ahead of the people. This is the agenda of the Democratic Party in full. Should such an action be allowed to stand there will never be another constitutional election in our future. If one state can successfully manipulate the ballot to stop the opposing party candidate from receiving votes, every state can do it which will make elections ineffective, and the Republic will be destroyed.
The Biden White House conspiring with Soros funded Prosecutors and Judges to stop a political opponent from running against him by using fabricated offenses is the actions of a Totalitarian Dictatorship and the American people need to step in and stop it from happening. Our elected representatives can no longer be trusted to work in our best interests, so we as a nation must be prepared to take whatever steps necessary to protect our Republic from compromised politicians, judges, prosecutors, and the invasion of our country by foreign political insurgents disguised as immigrants.
Nobody in their right mind wants war, but just as our founders had to pledge their lives to the security and future of this nation, We the People are now at the same point in our history. We must stand ready to give our very lives to the protection of the Republic even if it should mean taking up arms against the corrupt and destructive elected and their appointed minions. God bless and strengthen our patriots and God bless the United States.